R Surgery Center Procedures


Pain Management (Overview)

Pain Management (Overview)

If you suffer from pain, you know how hard it can be to live with. Pain management is a branch of medical care that specializes in pain control. It can help you enjoy a better quality of life.


Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections

This outpatient procedure is designed to reduce or relieve the pain of trigger points. These small, tender knots can form in muscles or in the fascia (the soft, stretchy connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs). The trigger point injection procedure takes only a few minutes to complete.

Head, Neck and Spine


Intrathecal Pump Implant

Intrathecal Pump Implant

An intrathecal pump relieves chronic pain. It uses small amounts of medicine applied directly to the intrathecal space (the area surrounding the spinal cord) to prevent pain signals from being perceived by the brain. Pump candidates include people for whom conservative treatments have failed and surgery is not likely to help.

Kyphoplasty (Balloon Vertebroplasty)

Kyphoplasty (Balloon Vertebroplasty)

This minimally-invasive procedure repairs a vertebral compression fracture. It helps restore the spine’s natural shape. Some patients experience rapid pain relief after the procedure.

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

This injection procedure is performed to relieve low back and radiating leg pain. Steroid medication can reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by spinal conditions.

Medial Branch Block

Medial Branch Block

This diagnostic procedure is performed to identify a painful facet joint. The facet joints are the joints between the vertebrae in the spine. They allow the spine to bend, flex and twist.

Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Lumbar Facets

Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Lumbar Facets

During this minimally-invasive procedure, the physician uses heat from radio waves to treat painful facet joints in your lower back. This procedure is also called radiofrequency rhizotomy. It can treat pain that doesn’t respond to medications or to physical therapy.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure)

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure)

Spinal cord stimulation (also called SCS) uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the back, arms and legs. It is believed that electrical pulses prevent pain signals from being received by the brain. SCS candidates include people who suffer from neuropathic pain and for whom conservative treatments have failed.

Stellate Ganglion Block

Stellate Ganglion Block

A stellate ganglion nerve block is an injection that numbs branches of nerves in your neck. This helps doctors find and treat a number of problems linked to the nerves. Treatment may require a series of injections.

Hip, Leg and Knee


Femoral Nerve Block

Femoral Nerve Block

If you’re having surgery on your leg, you may be given a femoral nerve block. It’s an injection that numbs the upper part of your leg. It can be used to block pain before and after surgery.